Construcation Management

Construcation Management

Construcation Management

As a construction manager, ECOM acts on the client’s behalf to plan and manage the entire construction project from start to finish within a predefined budget.

We stand in as the owner’s representative and advocate in every step of the construction process from preconstruction, to design and bidding, through construction.
This approach is ideal for owners who want an expert’s help managing their project or communicating between parties, and sometimes to remove themselves from the majority of the construction process.
Being involved earlier with the design team in the project life affects the key decisions that improve the project; we develop an interactive, inclusive working relationship among the client, the design firms, and the construction team, thus; optimizing the three main parameters governing any project; cost, quality and schedule.
To achieve project and owner objectives, we structure consistent systems and procedures applied by a professional team especially selected based on their relevant experience and capabilities; Our staff includes professionals in all major areas; estimating, scheduling,
procurement, construction, safety, quality, planning and value engineering.

Construction management services include:

  • Cost control and schedule
  • Quality management
  • Safety management
  • Constructability review
  • Startup and commissioning
  • Construction coordination
  • Field engineering
  • Contracts management
  • Materials management
  • Workforce relations
  • Governmental permits and legislations

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