KSU Female Student Campus

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Project Details

The Girls Campus at King Saud University (KSU) is a new university campus with 34 major buildings and a campus-wide infrastructure system with ancillary/accessory structures, access roads, parking, landscape and hardscape, and mechanical and electrical site utilities. The facilities are connected to a central plant by a one kilometer long utility service tunnel and covered walkway spine that runs the entire length of the Campus. Located in the northwest section of Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia the Girls Campus covers a land area of approximately 340 acres or 138 hectares on a rectangular parcel of land about 1.8 km long x 0.8 km wide.

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The Girls Campus at King Saud University (KSU) is a new university campus with 34 major buildings and a campus-wide infrastructure system with ancillary/accessory structures, access roads, parking, landscape and hardscape, and mechanical and electrical site utilities. The facilities are connected to a central plant by a one kilometer long utility service tunnel and covered walkway spine that runs the entire length of the Campus. Located in the northwest section of Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia the Girls Campus covers a land area of approximately 340 acres or 138 hectares on a rectangular parcel of land about 1.8 km long x 0.8 km wide.

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